Autism support specialist based in Vancouver, British Columbia Canada. Offering life quality support and coaching for people with autism

Developing fulfillment inside and out

for people with neurodiversity

Autism support specialist based in Vancouver, British Columbia Canada. Offering life quality support and coaching for people with autism

discovering ‘ability’ in


Certified in: life coaching, cognitive behavioural therapist, special education, nutrition & hydration and fitness instructor.

Reece has rare day-to-day life experience in taking care of and developing independence, self-esteem, self-love, self-worth and self-acceptance in his older brother is neurodivergent. As a result, his older brother doesn’t feel ladled by his disability and has full awareness of his behaviours, strengths, and weaknesses and has a purpose in his music performing at home, for kids at daycare and throughout lower British Columbia living a fulfilling life.

Through that experience and 14 years of working for multiple companies as a support worker, personal life coaching practice and volunteering for Special Olympics British Columbia as a swim coach Reece can connect and develop those same skills in men and women who are neurodivergent.

About us

Autism support specialist based in Vancouver, British Columbia Canada. Offering life quality support and coaching for people with autism


Icons and illustrations about autism. Support and coaching services for people with disabilities and autism based in Vancouver, BC.


(choice, feelings, respected, equal)

Icons and illustrations about autism. Support and coaching services for people with disabilities and autism based in Vancouver, BC.

clear communication

(Between families/home care provider, myself and individual)

Icons and illustrations about autism. Support and coaching services for people with disabilities and autism based in Vancouver, BC.


(qualities, strengths, personality)

Icons and illustrations about autism. Support and coaching services for people with disabilities and autism based in Vancouver, BC.


(potential, goals, self esteem, healthy inside and out)



  • Implementing a Structured-Based Lifestyle through “LIFE STRATEGIES” with the individual (see in Life Support Strategies Section)

  • Balancing Your Life Mentally, Emotionally, Physically and Spiritually

  • Having Self-esteem, Self Love, Self-worth and Self Acceptance

  • Emotional Outbursts (from the individual, or you!)

  • Implementing your “Happy Hormones” Dopamine, Serotonin, Oxytocin, and Endorphins Naturally

  • Keeping Consistent with LIFE PROGRAMS

  • Knowing How to “IDENTIFY, ADDRESS and SUPPORT the individual support needs

  • In School, Employment, Making Friends and Relationship with Self

At the start of working with any new parent, individual or care provider we will do a consultation/evaluation of the individual, care provider and family's needs and strengths and develop a customized “LIFE SUPPORT PLAN”

  • One of the best things to support an individual's development is consistent interaction with a specialist to address specific challenges. Through one-on-one sessions with the individual, we work closely together to implement a customized plan for the individual.

    1:1 Individualized Support Specialist programs are always started with an initial assessment of the individual, care provider and family's needs

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  • We work 1:1 with the individual and the individualized support specialist regularly communicates with you about the individual's sessions to ensure we're all working toward the same development of habits, routines and lifestyles leading to the particular goal looking to be achieved.

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  • All the benefits of In-person or In-Community coaching service + parent In-Person or virtual coaching sessions working in the wellbeing of the family as a whole and the home environment.

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  • My daughter has special needs, an intellectual disability, as well as autism, and A.D.H.D., anxiety and behavior issues as well.  She is currently 29 years old.   Reece is able to get her motivated, which can be very difficult to do.  She can be very irritable and gets easily distracted.  He keeps her focused and on track, and provides her exercises and ideas to handle difficult situations.  They work together in the gym focusing on cardio, stretch and strength, and training in the pool.  This type of training helps relieve her of her anxieties, and calm down her over thinking, and unwind.  He has also helped her with bus training, and learning her way around the city for employment purposes.  As well as bus training, he has helped her employment with skill training, and first aid training,

    -Teresa & Kayla Willms

  • Our son's mental and physically health has improved vastly under the guidance of Reece. He now has a deeper understanding on how to "label" his feelings and not act out on "impulse" when making healthier choices with his mind and body. Easing my son's fears over new processes and fears of the "unknown" has calm him tremendously and in addition, his critical thinking skills has grown as well! Reece has been part of our family for a long time and we feel its vitally important to have him continue to work with our son for an unspecified period of time. We would highly recommend Reece to anyone looking for quality and trustworthy respite care! Forever grateful parents Judy and George Chin

    -Judy & Brandon Chin

  • Reece supervises and helps Graham apply strategies to monitor and deal with anxiety and communication skills related to unexpected events when out and about in the community, and when interacting with people on public transit. Reece is a fully competent and capable individual who has a wealth of knowledge to share with Graham, and has proven to be Graham’s close ally in navigating life with numerous disabilities. I would highly recommend Reece as a Behavioural and Life Support worker, or any other capacity to support individuals with diverse needs.

    -Amanda & Graham MacAskill


  • I specialize in gym fitness, swimming fitness, from negative self-talk to positive self-talk, communication skills, cooking independence budgeting/financial independence, how to make friends, critical thinking skills development, behaviour intervention, finding passion and purpose, personal hygiene independence,

  • Gym fitness, swimming fitness/independence, transit/bus/skytrain independent skills, how to get a job/create resume/cover letter, cooking independence, budgeting/financial independence, how to make friends, critical thinking skills, personal hygiene independence.

Contact Us

Owner: Reece Picard

Email: or

Phone: 604 916 2935

Address: 125 Agnes Street (unit 301),
New Westminster, British Columbia, V3L 1E4

Criminal Record Check: Individuals safety is of great importance! I can provide a up to date Life Quality Supports Criminal record check. I am happy to meet and discuss any other safety measures wanting to be taken

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